Catch up on latest Surgery Connect releases and new features.
New feature

Write call activity to the Patient record - Coming Monday 12th August 2024

Shared by Product • August 07, 2024

Following feedback from several customers, that it would be useful to add the text entry for calls without having to file the recording, we have added a new area to the Advanced section of the Service Delivery Console - Service Settings.

Supervisors can now set the following activities:

  • Automatically write inbound call activity to a known patient record
  • Automatically write outbound call activity to a known patient record
  • Automatically write photo request activity to a known patient record
  • Automatically write photo received activity to a known patient record

We already automatically file SMS.

This feature will be of assistance to our SystmOne customers while resolve the current issue regarding not filing call recordings to the patient record.

See our Guide for full details on the SNOMED Code applied and the text details included in the patient record here.

Please note the Service Level settings are visible in the Service Delivery Console but only apply to Phonebar V7 and above

Feature update

NHS 8 Metrics Report enhancement

Shared by Product • August 06, 2024

To make the reporting data more useful we have added a selector for surgeries to select the hours the Report Portal Landing Page report covers.

This will be hugely useful for looking at call data in and out of hours.

These times are the start and end times for each day not the start and end times of the overall report.

For more information please see our Guide.

Billing Portal

Shared by Product • July 08, 2024

Further to our earlier announcement that your invoices were moving to a new Billing Portal, this is gentle reminder to get logged in.

We are delighted to inform you that your May and June rental charges invoices are available to download and your July invoice is available to view.

Invoices are available for a 6 month period so please update your Business Processes to ensure you login and download your invoices on a regular basis.

For more information on the Billing Portal and how to login, see our Guide.


SSO Landing Page

Shared by Product • June 28, 2024

We have made improvements to our SSO Landing Page.

We have refined the look by updating the tiles with icons instead of initials and describing each of the portals in place of the web address.

Part of this uplift also improves security. There is a "Remember me" button to keep you logged in for longer.

In addition, should you login from another IP address, for example whilst working abroad, or if you login using an compromised password, you will be required to verify your credentials by following the steps on screen.

Here is our updated guide on Password Management, for your information.

You will also see a new tile labelled Download Phonebar. Here you can access the latest Phonebar, if you have not installed it already. If you already have the Phonebar installed you can click on About from the User Menu and Check For Updates.

Check and Cancel for EMIS is live!

Shared by Product • June 19, 2024

We are delighted to announce that Check and Cancel for EMIS is now live!

See our Check and Cancel guides here.

Before you begin make sure you have created your API user in EMIS and validated it in the Service Delivery Console. Read our implementation guide for help

Why not view our tutorial on how to add Check and Cancel to your call flow here?

New feature

CLI selection from the Phonebar

Shared by Product • May 29, 2024

Surgeries can manage which numbers are used by all users across the service. They can now set the CLIs users can select from the Phonebar on an individual basis.

Via the Phonebar User Menu, users can click on CLI to choose an alternative CLI from the list of numbers they have been allocated.

See our Guide on CLI Settings for Phonebar users.


NHS 8 Metric Reporting data

Shared by Product • April 04, 2024


The new Report Portal landing page goes live today and features the NHS 8 Metrics. We have also added a new Summary page to the monthly Management Report.

Please see the NHS 8 Metrics Report and updated Management Report guides for more information.

Thank you

Patient Callback enhancements

Shared by Product • March 08, 2024

We are delighted to announce that our new Patient Callback enhancements are live!

X-flow changes

The Group Properties Block has a new setting within the Patient Callback Tab for additionally adding a Queue Duration and the option to send an SMS with Queue Position webpage link

There is a new Patient Callback block in the Group Properties Playlist. This has a call end attached to it which cannot be deleted. This allows Patient Callback to be offered multiple times in the queue process

EXISTING CUSTOMERS should edit their call flows offering Patient Callback, move the queue position to the end of their playlist and add the patient callback block if they wish to offer patient callback multiple times in the queue process

SDC Changes

The new Advanced Tab, Manage Patient Callback area allows surgeries to customise the heading and body to the queue position SMS which also contains the Queue Position webpage link. Surgeries have the option to customise the SMS with information (subject to character limit, links can be included but no images are accepted). There is a default message in place so no need to make changes if you don't want to

This SMS is FREE, the SMS Guide has been updated

Reporting changes

The SMS report has been enhanced to show the Queue position SMS sent

Below are the new and updated guides to support this feature:


Over 10,000 NHS pharmacies begin treating people for common conditions

Shared by Product • January 31, 2024

Your call flow is a very powerful tool for keeping your patients informed and assisting them in accessing the care they need.

In light of the Government's recent announcement that 7 common conditions can now be treated by a Pharmacist, you may want to let your patients know that if they are calling in about certain conditions they need not necessarily queue to speak to you.

Instead, you could change your greeting or advice prompt to advise them about the conditions which can be dealt with by a Pharmacist.

To learn more about editing your prompts click here,


For more information on X-flow click here


Calling All SystmOne Customers, it's Time to Upgrade!

Shared by Product • January 16, 2024

All SystmOne Surgery Connect customers will need to upgrade to our updated Phonebar before the end of February 2024,

The current product is EOL (End of life). Therefore your integration will not work beyond this date.

Our dedicated team are here to support you with your upgrade. To upgrade, visit our support portal and raise a ticket.

Free User Training

To help you make the most of the new Phonebar features we offer a series of live online user training sessions. To book your session please email or view our schedule.

Phonebar Features

The Surgery Connect Phonebar consolidates GP telecoms and patient communications into a single application to maximise practice efficiencies. It fully integrates with your Clinical System to centralise your patient communications and clinical records.

Seamless Working Environment

The Phonebar acts as a single app to handle calls, send SMS and photo requests, and file call recordings and photos back to the patient’s clinical record; creating a more seamless working environment for GPs and joined-up service for patients.

Improved Patient Experience

Active Patient offers you single-click communication options with the patient you have open in your clinical system. Users can choose the communication type, select from the numbers stored in the patient record or free type an alternative number. Identifying patients on inbound calls saves time and improves accuracy.

Appointment Management

The Appointments feature allows clinicians/GPs’ to view their appointments and make calls, video calls, send SMS messages and photo requests directly from the appointments list.

Users can switch seamlessly between records and even SMS/message all patients within an appointment list, which can be used as a reminder that patients will shortly be contacted.